Quencie Interviews Independent Artist, Yassie [VIDEO]

On Sunday June 19th @ 2:15 pm (CST) I went live on my Studio Q Facebook page and Youtube channel to interview independent artist, Yassie for the 6th episode of my ‘Promote YOU on Studio Q’ show. We discussed all things music including her latest single, upcoming projects and what her music journey has been thus far. ⁣

“Promote You on Studio Q.” is a live show I created to help others promote their small business, new music, an upcoming film or event, a new book, a play, or whatever it is you want the world 🌎 to know more about.⁣

⁣This is a Subscriber Only benefit meaning you have to Subscribe to my Studio Q Facebook page in order to appear on the monthly show.

⁣Watch or listen to my Studio Q interview with Yassie below.

If you would rather listen to the interview instead of watching just press play on my podcast interview below: 

Quencie Interviews Viral Tik Tok Star, Shantaquillette - HeyShantaQ [VIDEO]

In 2021, I became obsessed with Tik Tok. I spent so much time on the app that I felt the need to share the videos that I loved to my Facebook page. I had to find a way to justify all the hours I was laughing, crying or dancing from a video I saw on there. People immediately loved what I was sharing so much so that a lot of the videos I posted started to go viral.

Shantaquillette starred in a few of those viral videos that I posted. She already had a huge following on Tik Tok and videos that had gone viral on Tik tok and Instagram. She could now add my Studio Q Facebook page to that viral list.

I was so excited about all of the viral videos on my page that I created a Studio Q interview series to talk with the content creators about the success of their videos.

Check out my conversation with ShantaQuillette below and follow her on all social media platforms @HeyShantaQ! Watch below.