Quencie Interviews Viral Tik Tok Star, Shantaquillette - HeyShantaQ [VIDEO]

In 2021, I became obsessed with Tik Tok. I spent so much time on the app that I felt the need to share the videos that I loved to my Facebook page. I had to find a way to justify all the hours I was laughing, crying or dancing from a video I saw on there. People immediately loved what I was sharing so much so that a lot of the videos I posted started to go viral.

Shantaquillette starred in a few of those viral videos that I posted. She already had a huge following on Tik Tok and videos that had gone viral on Tik tok and Instagram. She could now add my Studio Q Facebook page to that viral list.

I was so excited about all of the viral videos on my page that I created a Studio Q interview series to talk with the content creators about the success of their videos.

Check out my conversation with ShantaQuillette below and follow her on all social media platforms @HeyShantaQ! Watch below.